The world is in danger! So many billion tons of CO2 will have to be reduced from the atmosphere every year, otherwise…

The whole world is troubled by the havoc of heat. It is having a bad effect on human health as well as the environment. In such a situation, the whole world is trying to reduce CO2 from the atmosphere in any way. But this is not so easy. Recently, the State of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) report has come. According to this report, if the world has to follow the limits of the Paris Agreement, then it will have to reduce about 9 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere by the middle of the century.

What is said in the report

This research report has been prepared by Oxford University’s Smith School of Enterprise and Environment. It says that while increasing carbon removal techniques, we have to keep in mind that issues like future food security of humans, supply of clean drinking water, biodiversity and safe housing for indigenous people should not be affected. This research report has been prepared on the basis of scientific evaluation of more than 50 international experts.

How many tons of CO2 is being removed at present?

According to the CDR report, currently only 2 billion tons of carbon is being removed every year. The biggest thing is that for the 2 billion tons of carbon being reduced from the atmosphere every year, traditional methods like planting trees are being adopted. Whereas, if new methods like biochar, carbon capture, advanced rock weathering and storage along with bioenergy are used as suggested by CDR, then about 13 lakh tons of carbon is being removed every year. This is less than 0.1 percent of the total.

We are not on the right track

In the CDR report, the researchers claimed that we are not on the right track to decarbonize the world to the Paris temperature target. The researchers say that we now need to increase investment in zero-emission solutions at all levels along with CDR. In addition, governments around the world will have to play a decisive role in creating conditions for sustainably increasing CDR.

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